Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Blog 15 - Lesson 2 Reflection

(My first answer to my essential question, and the answer I focused on in this presentation, is quality character design.)

1.What are you most proud of in your Lesson 2 Presentation and why?

In terms of my second lesson presentation, I'm much more proud of my composure and research. I think that I had more of a solid belief in my research this time around-- as I had more quality .esearch to support my claims, I felt a lot more comfortable and prepared. I think that showed through in the actual presentation, as well; I was very comfortable speaking up there to the class on my topic.

2a. What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 2 Presentation (self-assessment)?

I think I did pretty well on this presentation, overall. I had quality research, presented relevant information, and presented well, to be honest. Overall, I think I deserve a P+/AE on my second lesson presentation.

2b. Explain why you deserve that grade using evidence from the Lesson 2 component contract.

Based off of the expectations from the component contract, I believe I met all of them. There are some areas I believe I performed better on than others, however. Specifically, I think the depth of my research really showed through in this presentation; I had a lot to talk about from my learning experiences over the past few months, and I wanted to channel that into the presentation. I was able to do so, for the most part.

Furthermore, I was pretty happy with how focused many members of the audience were during the activity. Some were very focused on their designs of their own villain, only speaking when they had a question for their table group regarding which direction they should take their designs. I saw that, while some people did like their designs, some were shy to show it off. Others were quite happy to present their designs though. Overall, I think the audience was quite engaged throughout the course of the activity.

3. What worked for you in your Lesson 2?

The use of a powerpoint really helped me out in this presentation. I think having something visual like that not only captures the audience's interest more, but it also keeps me grounded as a presenter. While I generally know what order I want to say things in a presentation, there are times where I get so caught up in presenting one thing that what I need to talk about next momentarily slips my mind. Having a powerpoint to indicate the flow of my presentation really helped out.

4. What didn't work? If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 2?

I really liked how my presentation turned out, actually. If I could go back in time to change anything, I'd only make minor changes. For example, I'd go back and spend more time making my powerpoint more aesthetically-pleasing, to be honest. While I did like the way it looked (and it did its job well), I always love it when my powerpoints are pleasing to the eye. I find that it gives me a sort of confidence.

5. What do you think your answer #2 is going to be?

Originally, I was going to focus on storytelling & plotting as my second answer to my essential question ("How can a game be designed to enhance the player's experience?")

With more reflection and research, however, I've found that creative design is only but one important thing to enhancing the player's experience. I think I would like to talk more about gameplay and game mechanics for my second answer-- the more technical side of design.

I suppose my second answer, if I were to follow this route, would be "game mechanics".

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