Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Blog 16 - Independent Component 2 Approval

Video game programming is a lengthy process. I'm sure it'll be a learning experience for me.

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.

For thirty hours of my second Independent Component, I plan on focusing on the creation of a digital video game. This game will be based off of the pre-production work I completed in my first Independent Component. This game will be PC-compatible, and have a focus on its narrative and messages conveyed to players. Throughout this process, I'm sure details regarding the game's plot or mechanics will fluctuate, but the medium remains certain: I am making a video game. I don't expect to have a perfect video game at the end of my Independent Component, but I expect to have a finished, playable game. 

2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

The literal creation and design in video games is a lengthy process. There is quite a bit of groundwork to be set: I must create things through a game-creating software/program such as maps, character sprites, etc. There's a heavy amount of programming involved in video game design-- this is something I know I will be dealing with regularly throughout the course of creating my game, so I'm sure I will often be spending time programming/coding different parts of the game. In doing so, I can expand the game, clear out any bugs/mistakes, and ensure that the game is playable by the end of my thirty hours. 

3.  Explain how this component will help you explore your topic in more depth.

I think researching about games and focusing on the pre-production of games are two vital things in game design, but I know that there is no better way to learn more about my topic than to create a game myself. Game design, as a field, is very experimental; like many arts, there isn't necessarily a "right" or "wrong" way of doing things. Figuring out what makes my game one that delivers a positive player experience is something that must be done through creating and testing. Game design is a very hands-on field; I believe that creating a game myself is a great way to gain a different understanding on the field and the work that occurs within it. 

4.  Post a log in your Senior Project Hours link and label it "Independent Component 2" log.

I have updated my Senior Project Hours; it now has a new section titled Independent Component 2 Hours. My hours can be accessed here, or via the link on my sidebar.

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