Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Blog 6 - Advisory House Prep

User experience is something that I find important within my topic, so I'm keen to take the time to focus on how to enhance user experience in video games, while still being able to properly tell a great story.

1. What has worked well for you concerning senior project this year?  What has made it a positive experience for you?  

Throughout the course of senior project thus far, I've found that taking the time to thoroughly read materials discussing my topic has been rewarding. I've learned quite a bit about other areas of my topic I previously had little knowledge on, so I'm quite glad I've had the opportunity and motivation to delve further into learning more about my topic. 

Expanding my knowledge on my topic has definitely been a positive experience for me, in the form of both research and mentorship. Research has been an excellent way for me to learn theory regarding video game design, while mentorship often provides me with the opportunity to test those theories in motion. So it's a pleasant mixture of text-based learning and hands-on learning. Being able to learn about something and apply it in a real-life scenario is quite rewarding, really.

2. What are you finding difficult concerning senior project?  How can you adapt to make that portion work better for you?  How might the senior team help?

I'm having difficulty brainstorming the content I want to showcase through my independent component. I definitely want to create a game of sorts, something that can visually and audibly deliver the story and experience I want to get across to players. 

I just need to take more time to sit down and really start thinking about what direction I'd like to take my component in. It's not really about waiting for inspiration to hit, but channeling the creativity and skills I have now to make something happen. The only way the situation as it stands can improve is for me to take the time to do that. However, that's really only a personal thing, and not something that really begs for help from the senior team.

However, if I do come up with a concept-- a story, experience, and feelings I want to get across to the player, I'd be more than grateful for feedback on my content. I don't want my component to be something that's just for me-- I want it to be a game that other people can something away from, as well. I want experience to be emphasized, so feedback will be quite important. 

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