Friday, April 15, 2016

Blog 21 - Fourth Interview Reflection

(VR and stereoscopic 3D is Michael's specialty in game design.)

1. What is the most important thing I learned from the interview?  

I believe the most important thing I've learned from this interview is that the best game designers are those who can and know to draw from their experiences from different kinds of media. It's vital that as a designer, I don't just pursue playing other video games to become a better designer, but instead work to include many different kinds of experiences in my design. That will create a design of more variety, and won't be a simple rehashing of currently-existing games. 

2.  How will what I learned affect my final lesson?

I think I'll put emphasis on that point for audience members-- the best way to design is to design from pulling in all of your personal experiences, as opposed to experiences with just other games and interactive medias. Games are a field open to great potential, and this is one of those potentials-- games can be designed with hyper-realistic experiences and that can make them all the better and all the more real to players. It's an interesting take on design I've never heard of or thought about in-depth before, so I'm interesting in taking some time to talk about it in my final presentation. 

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