Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Blog 8 - Independent Component 1 Proposal

I plan on doing a significant amount of drafting and planning through my preparatory process of creating a video game, including physical prototyping of potential game mechanics. Above is an example of a physical prototype in development. 

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.

Over the next thirty hours, I plan to start and delve into the lengthy preparation process of creating a video game. There's quite a bit of work that goes into this kind of project, and I'd like to take a moment to explain some of the preparatory steps my mentors have recommended that I take before actually creating my game.

For Independent Component 1, I would like to focus specifically on the preparation process of the video game. Essentially, I want to be able to focus on current concepts and ideas I have for creating a fictional world and characters, as well as creating new ones. I want to extensively go through the brainstorming process to create this world, it's inhabitants, and form the story of the game. Once the planning stages of the game world and characters are creating, I want to be able to focus on planning out a plot that'd occur over the course of the game. 

Once the world-building portion of the game is completed, I want to move onto the planning and prototyping of the game mechanics (and subsequently, potential gameplay). Essentially, I want to determine and plan out how the game plays out-- which includes the type of play (sidescrolling, first person, puzzle, etc.), game interface and controls, and detail upon the intended player experience.

For clarification: I am not directly creating the video game just yet. I am spending these thirty hours in preparation for creating the game, by taking the necessary steps I listed above. 

2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

Brainstorming is a lengthy process in itself-- for the creation of concepts and ideas, I will keep detailed notes and sketches regarding said concepts/ideas. As for the world-building and plotting portions of my planning, I plan to also write out and notate throughout this process: essentially, I will write all there is to write regarding the world I will create, it's inhabitants, and the story I wish to tell throughout my game. In summary, there will be written evidence of the creation of the world-building and plotting.

As for the game mechanics, I plan to begin with brainstorming for that process, as well. The brainstorming process here will too be noted and sketched throughout. I want to determine which type of gameplay and interface will not only properly deliver the intended story and emotions I want to convey in the game, but also creates an enjoyable player experience in the finalized, digital version of my game later on.

I would also like to prototype these game mechanics; to do so, I believe a physical prototype of sorts to test how the game mechanics can work out will serve my purpose just fine. Oftentimes, it is ideal and convenient to begin designing gameplay (and therefore, working out any issues with it) with physical prototypes, as they can easily be iterated and changed within seconds to suit any new ideas for game mechanics. Digital prototypes take significantly longer to create new iterations of, and often these iterations can be scrapped if the idea they are based upon just doesn't mesh well with other aspects of the planned game. Therefore, physical prototyping is the best method of prototyping to utilize here. I will also document my experience of physical prototyping through notation and pictures, which I will keep in sequential order. In doing so, any viewers can see the creation and changes my prototype will undergo.

3.  Explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.

What I'm doing for independent component essentially encompasses the entire planning processes of the creation of a video game. In doing so, I will need to do further research in the complexities of world-building and plotting for video games, as well as research different types of directions I can take my game mechanics. 

I'm of the belief that actively planning the foundation and mechanics of my game will help me not only explore my topic through further, specific research, but also help me explore it by allowing me to get a taste of what it's like to plan extensively for a video game. I think this opportunity is important for me to understand what it's like to truly delve into video game design as a project and potential career.

4.  Update your Senior Project Hours log.

Done. Thanks!

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